Crazy Purple Rubber Squeaky Octopus

Spreading my tentacles everywhere, because everything's interesting, for a while.
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Saturday, December 29, 2001

Christmas was pleasantly quiet, as predicted. :-)
Now, what can I tell you of interest? Not a whole lot, I think.
The past few days have been spent being very idle, just watching tv, sitting in chat, or sleeping.
In other news, my CD album will be released in a week or so, and I`ve found a website that will allow me to sell my artworks, printed onto t-shirts, mugs etc. Anything that lets me make a little money from my works has to be a good thing :-)
Oh yeah, I went and took a look at this school reunion site, and found a whole load of people I went to school with, some who I`ve been trying to track down for quite a while. Trouble is, you have to pay to get access to email addresses there, so I`ve left the urls of my websites, where there are contact details. Hopefully they`ll see that, and come find me.
:: Steve Benway 10:07 AM [+] ::

Sunday, December 23, 2001

Christmas is nearly here. Are you ready?
I visited my sister a couple of days ago, taking pressies for her, her fiance, and their daughter. It was so nice visiting them, as I haven`t been over there in some time. My niece is just coming up to six years old, and is just soooooo sweet :-)
I`ll be visiting my mum and gran today, or maybe tomorrow, and then I`m all set. I`m not having a big christmas this year. No visitors, and not visiting. I`ve done the whole `family` thing for the past few years, and this year decided to hell with it... I`m gonna have a quiet day, with none of the fuss or hassle.
Shopping yesterday was highly amusing, `cause all around me were people rushing about, looking for stuffing, mince pies, christmas pudding and whatever... and getting very stressed about it. Meanwhile, I just strolled around, not worrying about any of it.
So what will I do on christmas day?
I guess I`ll get up late, watch lots of tv, eat a load of junk, have a few beers, or perhaps some wine, and generally chill out. All the enjoyable things, with none of the hassles involved with entertaining people.
Does that make me sad and unsociable? Well, unsociable, certainly, but sad? Not really. It`s how I`ve wanted to spend the day for years. :-)
:: Steve Benway 2:22 PM [+] ::

Wednesday, December 19, 2001

Blimey. It`s been quite a few days.
The chatroom`s been VERY busy. Several new regulars, and lots of people just dropping in.
There`s more though.
The new cam community I mentioned a few posts back (onmycam) is in trouble with camarades for breach of copyright, ie using their software, while disabling it`s ability to display on camarades. I can`t say that surprises me.
I spoke to the guy who programmed the software, and he already knew who I was, about my room and how it works. Thankfully, camarades are fine with it, as I don`t claim any credit for the software or hosting, and openly promote camarades.
That was a big relief, since they`re sueing the pants off onmycam.
It`s nice to know the biggest cam community online knows who I am too. Very good for my ego :-)
:: Steve Benway 12:44 AM [+] ::

Thursday, December 13, 2001

Not an altogether pleasant day.
I can`t eat. It took me half an hour to eat one sandwich, and hurt like hell. The teeth next to the ones that were pulled are VERY sensetive, while the roof of my mouth, where the needle was stuck in is very swollen and sore.
Can`t seem to sleep for eny useful length of time either. The overall result being that I`m constantly hungry, and constantly tired.
It`s a total bummer. I was logged into the chatroom for several hours, and the place was very lively, but I just couldn`t bring myself to stay at the keyboard, and missed it all.
I`ll be very happy when I`m over this part... it`s not fun.
:: Steve Benway 12:36 AM [+] ::

Tuesday, December 11, 2001

Ugh. That wasn`t good.
Went to the dentist, and she was going to remove 4 teeth, but couldn`t get one out, so on the next visit, I have to have it surgically removed. Ack! Not nice. They`ll slice open my gum, drill open the bone, and get it out that way.
So, here I sit with an even more gappy smile than usual, partly feeling sorry for myself, `cause it hurts, and partly glad, `cause the tooth that`s been the bane of my life is finally gone.
:: Steve Benway 12:14 PM [+] ::

Monday, December 10, 2001

I finally moved the chatroom over to the new network ( after a few days just testing for reliability, since icqnet was falling apart too often.
That past couple of days have been interesting. I found a new webcam community, and was known already. Treated as a semi celebrity by a couple of characters. They seemed very pleased that I was adding a review and link from my Cam Communities Page.
Also recieved an email from a woman looking for webcam sites or software for the apple mac. Sadly, I wasn`t able to help much.
It feels kind of odd, when complete strangers email me for help, or know me when I walk into a chatroom.... but I do like it :-)
:: Steve Benway 7:51 PM [+] ::

Wednesday, December 05, 2001

What can I tell you today? I have no idea.
It`s 2:47pm, and I just got up. Seems I may just be able to get back into sleeping in the day and staying up all night.
It`s strange. Nearly a month has gone by since my training course finished, and I still haven`t been able to get back into my old routine. Ah well.
I`m in a good mood though. Things are just flowing along at a rather nice pace. The chatroom`s been uncharacteristicly lively, with new regulars and everything, overall site traffic is good, I`m getting an ammount of recognition for my efforts, money`s not been a problem in a while, and other good things that I`m not going to tell you about.
So I`m sitting here, listening to Outlandos d'Amour by The Police, drinking coffee, and smoking a Marlboro Light.
Hmm. Not entirely looking forward to next tuesday. I have another dental appointment, and this is the big one. Around 6 extractions, maybe more, from the front top row. All my incisors. That`s gonna hurt, not to mention bleed like hell. But still, it`s gonna be a relief to have it finished. After 20 odd years with fucked up teeth, they`ll finally be on the way to being sorted out, and I`ll be able to smile without feeling self concious.
What else can I tell you? I`m sat here pondering now. I haven`t really been updating this thing as often as I should, so now I`m here, I want to give you something to make it worth your while, seeing as how you took the time to come and read it.
I dunno. Tell you what.... you write it, and I`ll come and check it out when you`re done.
:: Steve Benway 3:03 PM [+] ::

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

It`s been an interesting couple of days as far as email`s concerned.
First I got an email from a tv production company, asking if I could supply them with some material, then another from a web design company enquiring about subcontracting some work, to add webcams and chat to a website they`re working on... and finally, an email inviting me to a club for musicians and their groupies.
Oh my!
Well... I have to admit, it does feel great to be getting some recognition in the various fields I operate in :-)
:: Steve Benway 6:36 PM [+] ::

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